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[BOJ / C++] 26574번 : Copier 문제 Your copier broke down last week, and you need to copy a list of numbers for a class project due tomorrow! Luckily, you can use your computer to copy the numbers for you. Given a list of numbers, each on their own line, print out the number, a space, and then another copy of the number. 입력 The first line will contain a single integer n that indicates the number of numbers to follow, each on t.. 2022. 12. 20.
[BOJ / C++] 5341번 : Pyramids 문제 A pyramid of blocks is constructed by first building a base layer of n blocks and then adding n-1 blocks to the next layer. This process is repeated until the top layer only has one block. You must calculate the number of blocks needed to construct a pyramid given the size of the base. For example, a pyramid that has a base of size 4 will need a total of 10 blocks. 입력 The input will be a sequ.. 2022. 12. 17.
[BOJ / C++] 20254번 : Site Score 문제 Teams from variaous universities compete in ICPC regional contests for tickets to the ICPC World Finals. The number of tickets allocated to every regional contest may be different. The allocation method in our super region, Asia Pacific, is based on a parameter called site score. Site scores will only count teams and universities solving at least one problem, in the regional contest or its pr.. 2022. 12. 15.
[BOJ / Python3] 8437번 : Julka 문제 Julka zaskoczyła wczoraj w przedszkolu swoją wychowawczynię rozwiązując następującą zagadkę: Klaudia i Natalia mają razem 10 jabłek, ale Klaudia ma o 2 jabłka więcej niż Natalia. Ile jabłek ma każda z dziewczynek? Julka odpowiedziała bez namysłu: Klaudia ma sześć jabłek, natomiast Natalia ma cztery jabłka. Wychowywaczyni postanowiła sprawdzić, czy odpowiedź Julki nie była przypadkowa i powtar.. 2022. 12. 13.